If you are like me, then you love sharing treats with your feline friend. My cat is considered a part of my family and she eats everything that I do. However, she does have a tendency or inclination for certain types of food such as fish and meat.

I’ve recently started eating blueberries as part of my new diet, because of their high content of water and nutritional value as well, so I’ve given my cat a blueberry or two in the last few days.

Can cats eat blueberries

However, I still keep asking myself, “Can Cats Eat Blueberries?” A part of me is not really sure about the nutritional value of blueberries for my cat and whether it could bring on any allergic reactions. I don’t want to give her any treats if they can cause her pain and discomfort either. So I decided to do a little research of my own and this is what I found out.

About cats and blueberries – some facts you need to know

Blueberries are considered amongst the healthiest fruits in America. Not only does it contain health benefits but it has deliciously sweet taste which is why it is also one of the most loved fruits in America.

When it comes to nutritional value for humans, blueberries contain various vitamins, carbohydrates, water, and protein. I eat them while I’m dieting because of their low carbic value. Blueberries are actually one of the most versatile foods out there, which is why it is used in juices, jams, pies, tarts, muffins, sauces and purees.

The high water content ensures that you remain hydrated even while dieting and the vitamins and minerals in blueberries ensure that you stay nutritionally in balance.

So from what I have found out so far, blueberries are tasty and high in nutritional value for humans, however, are it safe for your cat? I was relieved to find out that the answer to that question is yes. Cats can eat blueberries.  However, since my feline friend does not really need to eat blueberries for survival, it is simply used as a treat and nothing more.

So I’ve established that blueberries are safe for cats and not toxic to them in any way. However, there is a possibility that your cat may not want to eat them. Cats are carnivores by nature and have acquired a taste for meat.

However, my cat still has a tendency to eat a certain fruit. As long as I know it is safe for her, I don’t mind. Cats are curious by nature and will naturally want to try out whatever you offer them.

Try and introduce just one blueberry to your cat and watch his or her reaction. Also, wait a few days before introducing anymore, just to make sure that he or she does not have an allergic reaction to blueberries.

Can cats eat blueberries?

The answer is Yes.

Blueberries are perfectly safe for cats. It has not cause toxicity in them and they don’t seem to have a problem digesting it either.  But as I mentioned earlier, while blueberries are extremely healthy for us humans.

So if your cat eats blueberries, it is simply because they might have acquired a taste for it. Some cats may not want to eat blueberries, because they are carnivores and would rather chase birds and rats around the yard. In this case, you should not force them to eat blueberries.

Blueberries are delicious treats and no harm can really come from feeding it to your cat. I have been feeding it to my cat recently and she has had no side effects, pain or discomfort. If she did, I would have realized it as soon as possible, since I am familiar with her behavior.

However, after feeding it to your cat, try and observe his or her behavior carefully. Signs of sneezing and coughing could also be warning signs of an allergy to blueberries.

So yes, cats can eat blueberries. However, as with all things in life, practice moderation. I don’t give my cat more than one or two blueberries every few days because I also don’t want her to build up a dependence on it. It should be given as a treat occasionally. I only give my cat a blueberry or two every time I eat them, just to be on the safe side.

Blueberries – which are the benefits?

From what I’ve discovered, blueberries have various health benefits for humans, but I’m sure you’re wondering if it has nutritional value for your cat as well. In fact, it does.  The vitamins in blueberries that are good for you as a human is also good for your feline friend.

  • Blueberries are high in vitamin C. It is a fact that vitamin C helps to strengthen a cat’s immune system, thus making them healthier. It also helps those cats that suffering from asthma, cancer and heart disease. While my cat gets most of her vitamin C from her daily intake of cat food, yours might still benefit from an extra vitamin C boost.
  • This is something that most people don’t know, but your cat can suffer obesity, high cholesterol, and diabetes just like any human. This is why your cat’s diet must be low in fats and calories. Blueberries make a great treat since it is low in fats and calories.
  • It is also high in water content, which means it will keep your cat hydrated for much longer. Water is a very important part of a cats diet and if you can keep them hydrated, you are half way there to keeping them healthy.
  • Antioxidants ensure that free radicals are kept at bay. Since blueberries have a higher content of antioxidants compared to many other fruits out there, it is used to preserve canned cat food, making it last longer.
  • The fiber contained in blueberries helps to reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. The fiber does also give my cat that full feeling and this ensures that she does not want unnecessary snacks and if she does, the blueberries still make a much healthier alternative to those unhealthy snacks that people are used to feeding their cats.

Your cat cannot control his or her diet and health the way you can. So you are more in control of what you eat than your feline friend. Ensure that you take good care of your cat by only feeding him or her low fat and calorie diets and plenty of water.

How to serve blueberries in your cat’s diet?

Blueberries are given as occasional treats to my cat. I also exercise proper hygiene and wash my hands, prior to giving her a blueberry treat. It should not under any circumstances be used to replace a meal or be given as a staple food but should be given as I do, occasionally. A few blueberries every other day is enough for your cat.

Blueberries have recently received much attention from food companies that have added it to their list of ingredients. It is also high in antioxidants and ideally slows down oxidation, which is also why it is found in various types of cat food. By adding blueberries to a can of cat food, it will be preserved for a long time.

The best way to serve blueberries to your cat is in its natural form. However, if you are like me then you have things like jam, muffins and canned blueberries lying around. It is okay to give these to your cat every once in a while but try as much as possible to stick to the all-natural, fresh kind.  Some people prefer to freeze them and give their pets frozen blueberry treats. My cat seems to love these little-frozen treats.

Foods such as muffins, juices and jams may contain unknown preservatives and a high content of sugar that may not be good for your cat, so while it is okay to indulge your cat every once in a while, don’t, make it a habit. Fresh or frozen blueberries are the best and most natural way of getting all the nutrients and vitamins out of these blueberries. Try as much as possible to feed it to your cat, fresh.

Are there any side effects from blueberries?

Cats just like humans can be allergic to blueberries. There aren’t many reports of cats having allergic reactions after consuming blueberries. If cats do suffer allergic reactions from eating blueberries, then it may just be a loose stool or upset stomach.

Cats that have urinated calcium-oxalate-stones should not eat blueberries.  There haven’t been any serious side effects associated with cats eating blueberries and certainly nothing fatal, such as seizures or death, yet I would still recommend observing your cat after feeding him or her blueberries.

  • Try to give them a small or moderate amount of blueberries initially and observe their behavior.
  • If you pick up signs of behavioral or digestive problems, then you should discontinue feeding your cat the blueberries and take them to the nearest vet.
  • Look out for sneezing, coughing and strange behavior
  • Try not to panic and act fast. The longer you take to get them to a vet, the longer your cat will be in pain or discomfort and they might even suffer fatal consequences
  • Once at the vet, you will be asked to explain the symptoms you observed in more detail.
  • The vet will then perform a full physical examination on your cat to determine the extent of the allergic reaction, or whether possible poisoning could have occurred as well.
  • If needed your cat will remain at the vet until he or she is back to their old self again.
  • This is only in very serious cases and doesn’t happen very often
  • In most other cases, they will be released back to you and you will receive medication to treat them at home for a few days.
  • Remember that you will also need to administer lots of water to keep your cat hydrated, since he will e taking the medication that can make his mouth dry and dehydrate him.
  • The vet will also advise you to monitor his or her behavior carefully to see if they are getting better or worse.

Bottom line: Cats and blueberries

I’m glad that I took the initiative to learn all about blueberries and cats. So now when someone asks me the question, Can Cats Eat Blueberries? I am fully prepared to answer them. The truth is that there are many foods out there that we would like to feed our pets because it looks tastes and really is good for us. However, we still need to find out if it is as good for our cats as it is for ourselves.

Fruits seem harmless. After all, there isn’t a fruit around that is bad for us. However, some fruits that are good for us may be bad for our cats.  Fruits such as grapes and raisins are highly toxic to cats and can cause several negative reactions such as decreased urination, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures and possibly even death.

However, fruit such as blueberries has been known to contain no negative side effects for cats. In fact, Blueberries are good for cats. Since they contain lots of vitamins that can help reduce the risk of various diseases, you should feed them blueberries every other day.

The vitamin C in blueberries helps to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer, while it also strengthens the immune system. This, in turn, keeps your cat healthier for longer.

Blueberries should not be used to replace a meal or given as a staple diet; instead, it should be given to your cat moderately and occasionally. It makes the perfect healthy treat and a handful given every other day is adequate for your cat.

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