You’re probably wondering: can dogs eat almonds?
Well today I’m going to make it easy for you.
All you need to do is carve out a few minutes of your day to see your best answer here!
What do you need to know about Dogs and Almonds?
As we most of us may know, almonds are a wonderful source of vitamins and minerals for humans. However, not every pet owner is sure about whether almonds are good for their dog or not. Some nuts are toxic for dogs; however, the good news is that almonds do not fall into that category.
Almonds are not toxic for your dogs like pecan, macadamia, and walnuts, but still not as good as peanuts, hazelnuts, and cashews. Yet, it still has its own set of benefits for your dog.
Almonds contain essential fat and vitamins which are needed for your dog’s good health. Not only are almonds good for your dog, but his healthy snack is affordable as well. The best way to serve it to your dog is unsalted and raw. You may also give your dog almond milk as it contains the same nutrition that the actual almonds do.
Choking is always a concern when feeding your dog food like this. This is why it is recommended that you feed him dog biscuits that have almonds in them. This way he can enjoy the treat, get the full nutritional value out of it and you still get to enjoy peace of mind.
Like any food that you feed your dog, there is good and bad to it. In this case, almonds contain large amounts of fat that may be hard for him to digest. Aside from this the rest of the potential bad that almonds can do are not serious.
As always since it is small and hard, it may present a choking hazard. Sweetened almonds should not be considered as an option since it is quite possibly toxic to your dog. Because of the high content of fat, you may want to allow your dog to exercise more than usual, alternatively, if you have a dog that is on the lazy side and isn’t very active, it would be better to keep him off the almonds.
This is also, no excuse to keep your dog in an unhealthy manner. If he is not very active, you should motivate him to be active. Perhaps you can use these healthy treats to motivate him.
Can Dogs Eat Almonds?
Yes, they can. Generally speaking, almonds are good for dogs. It provides your dog with a series of vitamins such as magnesium, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, antioxidants and high-quality protein. All these nutrients help to maintain a healthy balance for your dog. However, there are some points that you should take note of if you plan on feeding your dog almonds.
Remember to do so in moderation. Too much of a good thing may be bad for him. Also remember that almonds are not your typical dog food so it may be hard to digest and may present a choking hazard. It is recommended that you crush the almonds before feeding it to your dog, so there is no risk of choking.
Alternatively, you can use almond milk or butter as a replacement and much safer substitute for almonds. However, steer clear of sweetened almond milk and butter as it may contain Xylitol which is toxic to dogs.
As always when feeding your dog anything that should not strictly be on his diet, do so with caution. Try to serve him a few crushed almonds and see how he likes it. You should also monitor his behavior for the next 24 hours to ensure that he doesn’t have an upset stomach or isn’t having an allergic reaction to it. Once you are certain that your dog is not allergic to almonds, you can continue feeding him small portions every day.
Are almonds good for dogs?
Yes, almonds are safe for your dog. However, you should proceed with caution and make sure that there are no potential dangers involved before feeding it to your dog. This is why you should always make sure that the almonds are crushed before feeding it to your dog, which eliminates the possibility of choking.
Alternatively, if you do not want to crush the almonds for whatever reason, you can always substitute them for almonds milk or butter. This should as always be unsweetened. The sweetened kinds may very well contain xylitol which could poison your dog.
You may also choose to buy dog biscuits containing almonds, to completely eliminate the possibility of any harm being done to your dog. Also, under no circumstances must you feed your dog salted almonds. The electrolyte balance in the body is affected by the intake of salt or sodium, which is why dogs should never eat salt.
Almond are safe for consumption by dogs, however, as you have learned, there is a certain way in which it needs to be served, in order to stay safe. Almonds must be crushed and then fed to your dog. If you simply put whole almonds into your dog’s mouth, he could end up choking.
So find ways to get creative and find new ways to feed almonds to your dog. One way is to bake delicious snacks in the oven. The other way is to try crushing them before feeding it to your dog. It is actually the safest way too. You no longer have to worry about your dog choking and you definitely don’t need to watching him around the clock whether he is eating almonds or some other food type.
What are the Drawbacks when feeding your Dog Almonds?
Aside from the most obvious drawback, which is the choking hazard that almonds may present to your dog, they may also cause indigestion. When consumed in large amounts, it may also lead to an upset stomach, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal complications.
Also, a dog’s digestive system is different to ours. So while you may be able to eat and comfortably digest almost anything, your canine friend does not have the same privilege. So be careful of how many almonds you feed your dog.
Since almonds contain a high amount of fat, the possibility of weight gain after an extended period of being fed almonds routinely is high. However, your dog would need to be fed unhealthy and not recommended amounts of almonds a daily basis for this to happen.
The risk of developing pancreatitis is also quite high when it comes to eating too many almonds. Dogs are extremely sensitive to the smell of salted almonds and will lick it up the moment they find one. However, salted almonds are dangerous to dogs not only because of the water retention that it causes but also because of the electrolyte imbalance that results from sodium in your dog’s system.
Sweetened almonds, almond milk, and almond butter are all out of the question. This is because it could possibly contain xylitol, a form of sugar, which could be fatal to your dog. There have been incidents where dogs have died from poisoning after eating products containing xylitol.
Are almonds bad for dogs? What are the Symptoms of Allergies/Toxicity?
Almonds are not known to be toxic to dogs, neither are they a food source that many dogs are allergic to.
However, since all dogs are different, you would still need to exercise caution as a dog owner.
The best thing to do if feeding your dog almonds for the first time is fed him a very small portion, one crushed almond should be appropriate for his first snack. You then need to monitor him for 24 hours at least and see if he experiences any strange symptoms.
Symptoms you should look out for are an upset stomach, which in this case would be evident if he is vomiting or experiencing diarrhea. He may also show signs of sneezing or coughing, or difficulty breathing. This is how you will know whether he is allergic to almonds or not.
If more than 24 hours have past and your dog is the same as he always is, you know that he is not allergic to almonds and can happily feed him appropriate portions daily. Don’t ever over feed the almonds to him no matter how good you think it is for him. Also, the fact that he doesn’t seem allergic to almonds is subject to change when large quantities are consumed as the body has not prepared for that.
The only time that almonds could be toxic to your dog is if you feed him sweetened or salted almonds. He also stands the risk of toxicity if you feed him sweetened almond milk or butter since it probably contains xylitol. Xylitol is toxic to dogs and there are numerous reports of it being deadly as well. So you should stay as far away as possible from xylitol whenever buying food items for him.
What Should I do if my Dog ate Almonds?
When served fresh or raw in its natural form, almonds are not toxic to your dog; however, if he eats copious amounts of almonds it may present a health hazard. Although you would not intentionally feed your dog a whole bag of almonds, he may stumble upon or get his hands on it some other way.
So if you discover that your dog has eaten an entire bag of almonds, you would first need to:
[su_list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#f35d0f”]
- Induce vomiting. This can be done using hydrogen peroxide. However, it should be done under the guidance of your vet, so you need to
- Call your vet and explain what has happened and he will give you step by step instructions
- Poison control can also be contacted to help with induced vomiting
- You should then monitor your pet for at least 24 hours and if he still appears ill after you have induced vomiting, you should rush him to your vet immediately.
- He will be examined and your vet will decide the best course of action from there
- He may be kept in for observation or discharged with medication
How to Prepare Almonds for your Dog?
You can really get creative with almonds and unlike other foods; it comes in a variety of textures and choices. If you want to give your dog raw almonds, which is actually the best him, try crushing it first. This will immediately eliminate the need to worry about him choking on it.
Alternatively, you can try almond butter. It also makes a delicious snack without the hazard of choking. You can smear it on the chew toy and have your dog lick it off, or you can add it to a healthy snack of his, such as carrots or pumpkin.
Almond butter biscuits are another great choice for dog lovers who want to really reward their dogs for god behavior. It is also very easy to make.
Since cow’s milk in not considered good for dogs, almond milk makes a great alternative. However, bear in mind that it has to be plain. This means no chocolate, raisins or sugar, which are all extremely dangerous to dogs.
You may choose to serve them with the skin still on. Alternatively, you can soak them in a bowl of water and wait for the brown skin to slip off. This is just as personal preference and may not be ideal for every dog.
Too much of the almond milk may give your dog an upset stomach and possibly even diarrhea. So to be on the safe side, try giving him just a small amount of milk per day. One or two glasses of almond milk should be more than enough for your dog.
Can Dogs Eat Almond Butter? What about Almonds in Other Forms?
Yes, dogs can eat Almond Butter. It is just as good and nutritious for them as raw almonds are. You can treat your dog to almond butter any way you or he likes. Some dog owners prefer to smear it on a chew toy and have the dog lick it off, while others may prefer to create a snack from scratch, such as almond butter biscuits.
The butter does need to be unsalted and unsweetened in order for it to be safe for your dog’s consumption. Salt and sugar are both detrimental to your dog’s health.
Dogs can also eat almonds in other forms. Aside from having the almond butter, they can also consume almond milk. Once again, unsweetened and unflavored. This is actually a great choice since cow’s milk is not good for dogs. With the almond milk, your dog gets the entire nutritious goodness that almonds offer, without having to eat actual almonds.
One or two glasses should be enough for your dog per day. Any more than this and he may get an upset tummy or suffer other side effects, such as diarrhea. So you should exercise caution when feeding him almonds in any form.
This is the responsibility that dog owners have to their dogs, who depend on their owners to have their best interests at heart.
Can Dogs Eat Almonds – The Final Verdict
So almonds are in fact good for your dog. The vitamins that it contains are necessary for the healthy growth and functioning of your dog. The different varieties of almonds such as the almond butter and almond milk are also safe for your dog.
However, the milk and butter must be unsalted and unsweetened. This is because too much salt cannot be tolerated by your dog’s system. It upsets the balance of electrolytes and the sugar could contain xylitol which can be downright fatal to your dog.
There is a right way of serving almonds to your dog and that is not by giving it to him whole. Doing this may lead to choking since dogs are not capable of doing things like chewing a whole almond. So use your discretion and have it crushed and then fed to him.
You may also serve him almond butter on the toy so he can lick it off. Alternatively, one of the simplest and oldest ways of doing it is by simply serving it to him on a spoon.
Almonds are good for your dog; however, you should feed it to him in moderation. It should preferably be given as a snack or you could try crushing it and serving it to him with his food.
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