You’re sat there on the sofa, do a cinnamon spice tea tasting session. It is all to easy to break off a little and give it to your dog on the floor. But during feeding your dog, you’re probably wondering: can dogs eat cinnamon?
Well today I’m going to have the best answer for you. All you need to do is carve out a few minutes of your day and follow my post:
- First, I will answer the question “can dogs have cinamon” base on my in-depth research.
- Then, You’ll know the health benefits from cinnamon. Is cinnamon bad for dogs? Is cinnamon good for dogs? – All in detail
- Finally, pay your attention on my warning with your pregnant dogs and cinnamon honey treats
Let’s dive right in.
What do you need to know about Dogs and Cinnamon?
Cinnamon is perfectly okay for dogs as long as it is given in moderation and your dog does not have any allergic reactions to cinnamon. Cinnamon is not really a dog food, neither is it essential in your dog’s diet. However, according to studies cinnamon can actually be good for your dog, if given in appropriate quantities.
Studies show that cinnamon actually has anti-inflammatory qualities. So it is useful in helping dogs with arthritis and joint problems. It also improves insulin resistance and regulates blood sugar levels in diabetic dogs or those that are pre-disposed for diabetes.
It is said to bring relief to dogs suffering from cancer, but easy the pain they feel. It also gives your dog energy and prevents lethargy. It helps to fight off yeast infection causing fungus. You can use this in your dog’s treats as it contains natural sweetness as opposed to unnatural and very unhealthy sugar.
It is also said to improve digestion, blood circulation, intestinal health and the overall functioning of the brain. While all these benefits sound wonderful, they are not scientifically proved. These benefits are what has been noted on human beings that eat cinnamon and not dogs. So while there is a possibility that the cinnamon may have these positive effects on your dog, there is also a possibility that it may not. The truth is that the effects of cinnamon on our dog still needs to be thoroughly and comprehensively researched, which will take some time.
Can Dogs Eat Cinnamon?
Yes, dogs can eat cinnamon. However, cinnamon is not an essential part of a dog’s diet, which means that he doesn’t really need it. In fact, all the nutrition a dog needs is contained in his dog food. So you don’t need to supplement your dog’s diet with any other type of food. Also considering the fact that your dog is an obligate carnivore, means that he doesn’t really get much nutrition from fruit and vegetables, or in this case, spices.
Since cinnamon is not an essential food for dogs, it should be given only as a treat, or in small amounts. You can use cinnamon in dog treats and so on, however you should always be aware of how much you are feeding your dog.
A dog’s digestive system is designed differently. So while human beings can digest and break down a variety of foods, dogs cannot do this. So if you feed your dog excessive amounts of cinnamon, he may not be able to digest it and it may lead to an upset stomach, which won’t be pleasant for either one of you.
So to be on the safe side, feed your dog cinnamon in small quantities to avoid an upset stomach or any other type of complication.
One important bit of information that researchers have brought to the table is the fact that cinnamon has an effect of the uterus and perhaps changes it in some form or way. This is why it is recommended that you keep cinnamon as far away from your expecting dog as you can. It is too much of a risk to take. Pregnancy is filled with its own set of complications and this time may be hard for your dog, so do everything you can to keep her safe and sound so that she can deliver happy and healthy puppies.
Health Benefits from Cinnamon – Is Cinnamon Good For Dogs?
According to research, cinnamon has various health benefits for humans. However, when it comes to dogs, the evidence is not conclusive. However, anecdotal evidence does suggest that the benefits should be the same for dogs as well. Some of the healthy benefits you can expect for our dog are:
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- It is effective in curing and treating stomach bugs, arthritis, blood sugar, infections and possibly even cancer.
- It is also said to improve digestion in dogs
- When added to your dog’s food could make it more palatable
- Controls bad breath and yeast infections in dogs
- It promotes healthy growth and development of the joints and cartilage in your dog.
Cinnamon has various other health benefits for your dog. But you should always take note of the fact that this is not a natural food for dogs. That being said, it should be fed to your dog in minimal quantities. Cinnamon fed in small quantities can do no harm to your dog as it is not toxic in nature; however, your dog’s digestive system is not as advanced as yours and if you feed him excessive amounts of cinnamon, it could cause various adverse reactions in your dog, such as diarrhea, vomiting and upset stomach.
Drawbacks: Is Cinnamon Bad For Gogs ?
This is one of the most commonly asked questions. As a canine owner, you will be relieved to know that cinnamon is, in fact, goof for your dog. It is one of the most commonly used spices all around the world and whether you are cooking or baking, this spice adds a delicious and addictive flavor to anything type of food. If you use cinnamon in most of your sweet and savory dishes, you will be wondering about how safe it is for your canine friend.
The good news is that it is safe and not toxic at all. However, as with everything in life, moderation is the key. You should be feeding your dog cinnamon in moderation. Small amounts are fine in daily doses, however, don’t let your pooch get his hands on an entire bag of cinnamon and binge. This would be bad pet ownership and negligent, to say the least.
You may be surprised to know that cinnamon actually comes in two types, Ceylon and Cassia. Ceylon is perhaps safer to dogs since it contains less coumarin. This compound is only dangerous to dogs if consumed in large amounts. It is also dangerous to human if consumed in copious amounts and may result in liver damage. The Cassis cinnamon contains higher amounts of coumarin and more likely to be toxic to your dog than the Ceylon. So it is advisable to only feed your dog one type of cinnamon instead of introducing different varieties of cinnamon.
What To Do If Things Go Wrong?
If your dog manages to get his paws in high amounts of cinnamon, when you are not watching, you will notice certain symptoms in him, either shortly after he consumes the cinnamon or up to 24 hours later. Some of the most common symptoms include an upset stomach, which will manifest in the form of diarrhea or vomiting.
It should not really be a cause for concern if your dog has ingested large amounts of cinnamon. The vomiting and diarrhea as well are your dog’s body’s way of expelling or getting rid of the excess cinnamon and once he has done this, then he should be back to normal. However, if you have never seen your dog doing this before and you would rather be safe than sorry, then you should follow these instructions:
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- If your dog has consumed large amounts of cinnamon but is not vomiting and you can see that he is in discomfort and perhaps pain, you can try to induce vomiting
- Once this happens, you should either phone your vet or the animal poisoning line and they will give you advice on what to do next.
- Your vet may ask you to bring your dog in along with a sample of his vomit for further testing to ensure that there is no further harm.
- He may also do a full examination your dog to make sure that he will be okay.
- Your vet may decide to keep in at the facility and monitor his behavior and recovery or he may send him home with medication and have you monitor his health closely
- It aids your dog with respiratory problems and keeps toothaches at bay
- It also helps to strengthen the immune system
- It also fights obesity by increasing the metabolic rate in your dog.
One benefit of cinnamon that you may have known about but didn’t think that it could help your dog is the cinnamon and honey home remedy for flu. By mixing a little bit of hot, boiled water, honey and cinnamon, you create a great home remedy for flu and coughs and this may be ideal for your dog when he is feeling under the weather.
These procedures are necessary because your dog could possibly be allergic to cinnamon. If he is then the damage to his health could be much more serious, however, the vet can only determine this by examining your dog.
Do Dogs Need Cinnamon In Their Diet?
The short answer is no. Dogs do not need cinnamon in their diet. The truth is that dogs are obligate carnivores and thrive on various types of meat protein, which is what should make up at least 70% of a dog’s diet. However, dogs will eat almost anything you place before them and this is their nature.
But when it comes to having cinnamon in your dog’s diet, it is purely up to your discretion. Your dog will not lose out on any nutrients if you choose not to give him any cinnamon. He gets a well-balanced diet out his staple dog food. This is enough to give him all the nutrients he needs to grow ns develop into a healthy and happy dog.
The only thing that you may need to supplement his diet with is water. Dogs do, however, enjoy the taste of certain foods that are not entirely a part of their diet, but just taste good and being the curious animal that he is, he enjoys it different tastes, textures, and flavors.
Although research is not entirely conclusive, scientists believe that dogs get all the benefits that humans get out of cinnamon. So while this is not 100% definite, feeding your dog small amounts of cinnamon on a daily basis can do no harm to him, so why not give it a try.
Warning: Do Not Feed Pregnant Dogs
Some studies have shown that cinnamon may not be good for your dog. It is advisable that you refrain from giving your dog large amounts of cinnamon during pregnancy or try to eliminate cinnamon from her diet altogether. Researchers say that cinnamon affects the uterus and since your dog’s uterus is a vital part of her pregnancy, any and all uterus enhancing foods must be kept away from her.
You should also not that any cinnamon that contains unusually high amounts of nutmeg must be kept away from your dog. Nutmeg has been known to cause severe health complications in dogs.
How To Safely Add Cinnamon To A Dog Diet
Feeding your dog cinnamon in small amounts is recommended. Large amounts of cinnamon can be detrimental to your dog’s health. The recommended daily amount is about half a teaspoon. You can put this amount into your dog’s food if you prefer. Alternatively, who doesn’t love the taste of a delicious cinnamon treat?
Cinnamon Honey Treats
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- 1 ½ cup of whole wheat flour
- ½ cup milk
- 2 tablespoons honey
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
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- Your oven should be preheated to 350 degrees Fahrenheit
- Line a baking sheet or silicone tray with parchment paper
- Combine all the ingredients in a mixing bowl
- You can then knead dough out into round balls and roll out
- Use a cookie cutter of your choice to make shapes
- Place on baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes
- Or until it turns golden brown
- Then cool and refrigerate
This makes a delicious treat for your dog whether you are trying to teach him a new trick or reward him for good behavior. In fact, these delicious treats can be given to your dog daily.
Which Types of Cinnamon Can Dogs Eat?
If you never knew that there were different types of cinnamon, now is a great time to find out. The next time you are out shopping for cinnamon, take note of whether it is Ceylon or Cassia. The one you buy can make a big difference between whether you can give it to your canine friend or not.
Ceylon is, in fact, the type of cinnamon you want to buy for your house, It is also the dog-friendly one. Cassia, on the other hand, is not the one you want to get and is not ideal for dogs. Cassia is known to have high levels of coumarin. This compound is dangerous to dogs as excessive amounts of it may lead to liver damage and failure in your dog. Ceylon, on the other hand, contains much lower levels of the coumarin compound and is therefore much safer for your dog.
Ceylon is slightly more expensive than Cassia, however, it is well worth the extra investment when you think about keeping your pet safe.
Can Dogs Have Cinnamon – The Final Verdict
Cinnamon is not an essential part of your dog’s diet; however, it does contain various health benefits for your dog. Due to the fact that it has anti-inflammatory properties, it has been known to help dogs suffering from joint and cartilage inflammation. It also aids in digestion, circulation and helps regulate your dog’s blood pressure. It prevents bad breath in dogs and helps to fight off infections, such as yeast infections in dogs. Some studies also show that cinnamon can help to fight obesity and increase the metabolic rate. It can soothe a toothache, arthritis and even cure heart disease.
However, cinnamon should never be given to pregnant dogs. This is because it changes the uterus in some way and for dogs that are pregnant; any tampering of the uterus could be dangerous. So it is best to keep it completely out of your dog’s diet when she is expecting.
As you can see, cinnamon, being a spice that is not essentially a part of your dog’s diet can actually be good for your dog. However, you should only feed him small amounts on a daily basis, or even every other day.
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1 Comment
Thanks for such a comprehensive answer about dogs & cinnamon😀
I happened on this site/post by accident. I had to let my last 4legged companion go in Dec2018 & I was reading another post about our healing after such a loss. I’m older & the amazing spirit I said goodbye to was ahuge Maine Coon mix cat who had been with me for 22 years!(yes I know how old he was as my youngest son was still a kid when he resuced this sweetheart after the mother cat was killed by dogs & the little fluffball’s eyes were still closed. He became my main companion when my son grew up, began working long hours.
When I can I’ll be finding another cat needing a warm home & a soft lap. However I will also be getting another dog as well. I’ve been missing ‘DOG’ energy for years but didn’t want to stress my old guy with a new companion as he got older & slower. And as a person who has lived most of my life with multiple animals I’m looking forward to finding a bid old dog who also wants a good home. I’ve also had critters that seem to enjoy odd bits of foods now & then, (a long ago cat loved small bites of lettuce with a shred or two of raw carrot!?) so I figured reading your article on the issue of dogs & cinnamon so I’ll be ready with that bit of knowledge as well as using it to stop my tears of loss by looking ahead. Thank you for such good information. Karen