We have all dropped food while cooking and our dogs lick it up, with or without us knowing. If you have small kids like I do, then who knows how much food your dog could have swiped out of their little fingers?
So when it comes to feeding your dog a healthy and nutritious diet, I can’t help but the think-Is human food really good for him? We know that he loves the tastes of it and will eat it at any chance he gets, however, have you ever asked, Can dogs eat pineapples?
Well, let’s explore the answer to this question.
What do you need to Know about Dogs and Pineapples?
Did you know that dogs are actually allowed to eat pineapples? In fact, if your dog suffers from arthritis, bad indigestion, pancreatitis, kidney stones and other dog diseases, pineapples provide a range of vitamins and nutrients that can help of all of the above issues. Even if your dog does not have any of the above-mentioned illnesses, pineapples can help with your dog’s overall digestive and immune systems.
Coprophagia is the condition that has your furry little fella eating his own poop. Your dog usually does this if he is not digesting his food properly. Your vet may recommend some medication or another form of treatment to curb this habit; however, you can try feeding your dog a few pieces of pineapple daily first.
The reason why pineapple is recommended for this condition is because when dogs eat pineapple, it is digested properly by the system and this makes your pup’s poop smell terrible. This will ultimately put him off eating his poop.
I have to say though that everything must be done in moderation. Feeding your dog too much pineapple could result in diarrhea and discomfort, so ensure that you feed him small amounts at a time. You can start by feeding him just one to two pieces of pineapple per day, then observe his behavior to see if it is, in fact, helping him with indigestion.
Can Dogs Eat Pineapples?
Yes, it is perfectly fine for dogs to eat pineapples. It is actually very good for them due to the high amount of vitamins contained in the fruit. Vitamins such as manganese, bromelain, and vitamin C are all beneficial to the overall health of your canine friend. These key ingredients in the pineapple help with pancreatitis, kidney stones, Coprophagia, and arthritis.
Note though that only the fleshy part of the pineapple is good for dogs. They should not consume the skin or leaves as they contain ingredients that upset the dog’s digestive system. It is suggested that you take your dog to a vet if he accidently ingests the skin or leaves of a pineapple. After ingesting it, you should notice signs of diarrhea and severe discomfort in your dog. If this happens, rush him to your vet immediately for medical intervention.
Your dog will, however, benefit from eating the core as it is packed full of the vitamin bromelain. This vitamin is responsible for regulating your dog’s digestive system. Although pineapples are good for dogs, large amounts of it could be toxic, due to the high content of sugar. Signs of toxicity in dogs includes stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, and gas.
These symptoms are also due to the fact that dogs are carnivores by nature and their digestive systems are not designed to consume or process too much fruit. So just two to three small pieces of pineapple per day should be more than enough to keep your canine friend happy and healthy.
How Much Pineapples Can Dogs Eat?
This is a frequently asked question and an important one at that. Another very important question is, Can dogs eat pineapples every day? Well, to answer both questions, dogs can eat pineapples every day, but in very small quantities.
Pineapples are good for dogs because of the many vitamins and nutrients that it has, however, it also has a high sugar content which means there are certain side effects. This is why it is advisable to only give it to your dog as a treat. It should preferably be given as dessert after a balanced meal.
Ideally, if you are introducing your dog to pineapples for the first time, you should start with one to two small pieces per day. It is recommended that you observe your dog’s reaction for at least 24 hours after giving him his first pineapple treat. This is done in order to make sure that he doesn’t have any allergic reactions to pineapples.
If after 24 hours he hasn’t vomited, had diarrhea or suffered any other symptoms such as wheezing, it’s safe to say that he isn’t allergic to pineapples. In this case, you can happily continue giving him his daily quantities.
In the summer time, you can feed your dog frozen pineapple chunks to offer a tasty treat and cool him down.
Health Benefits of Pineapples for Dogs
So now that you know that pineapples are in fact good for dogs, it’s time that you learn the health benefits that it contains for your dog.
- Pineapples help your dog’s digestive system. The enzyme Bromelain is responsible for making food digest quicker in the system. Since the decomposition of food is accelerated, the body can absorb valuable and much-needed nutrients from the food. Fresh pineapples are best for your dog since it contains Bromelain in its highest quantity and potency. Canned pineapples, on the other hand, contain little to no bromelain for your dog, so it’s pointless feeding it to your dog.
- Pineapples contain various nutrients that are good for your dog’s digestive and immune system. It contains dietary fiber, fructose, minerals and vitamins that all aid and help improve your dog’s immune system. The vitamins C, b1, and b6 gives your dog an energy boost, while the manganese and magnesium enhances and strengthens the bones. Just a small piece of pineapple will deliver these nutrients to your dog.
- Some dogs do have a tendency to get cancer. The Bromelain enzymes in pineapples help to fight off cancerous cells. Research suggests that bromelain also reduces swelling in your dog’s joints and shrinks tumors. It also reduces the pain from chemotherapy performed on dogs.
- The enzyme Bromelain also acts as an anti-inflammatory. If your dog injures a limb, with a hard object, it results in swelling and inflammation, most of the time. Bromelain, together with the medication, weight control and exercise offered to your dog will bring the swelling and inflammation down.
- Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease that affects dogs that have a diet rich in fats. This inflammation can move to the liver causing it to produce bile that moves to the pancreas. The enzymes in pineapples can combat pancreatitis by decreasing the amount of fat a dog consumes.
- Pineapples aid the prevention of kidney stones. Since it is a low oxalate type of food is suitable for those dogs with kidney stones.
- Pineapples discourage Coprophagia. This is a medical condition, where your dog starts eating its own excrement because it doesn’t get the nutrition it needs from the food it has eaten. It is therefore forced to ingest its poop to get its daily requirements of nutrients. By feeding your dog pineapples, it improves the decomposition and digestion of food so that your dog gets everything he needs from the pineapples. It also changes the way his poop tastes so that it is no longer desirable to him.
My Dog ate too Much Pineapple, What Should I do?
Pineapples are only to be given to your dog as a treat. Do not make the mistake of feeding your dog pineapple as a meal. Although it has amazing health benefits for your dog, as with all things containing sugar, if consumed in excessive amounts it can be bad for your health. You should also bear in mind that dogs are carnivores by nature and so their bodies are not designed to digest large amounts of pineapple.
Too much pineapple will give your dog stomach cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea. If your puppy experiences any of these symptoms after eating pineapple, then you are over feeding it to him. It is best to refrain from feeding him any more pineapples, until the symptoms disappear and then when you resume feeding him, make sure that you limit it to just one of two pieces a day.
If your dog has eaten too much pineapple, don’t panic, since it is a natural food and not much harm can be done. He will simply experience vomiting or diarrhea, as this is the body’s way of getting rid of the excess sugar in the body. Once he does this, his poop should return to normal and he’ll be back to he’s usual self.
If, however, after 24 hours, his poop has not returned to normal, you should take him to see a vet. Your vet should prescribe a diarrheic medication to help ease the symptoms associated with diarrhea. Give your dog plenty of water so that he doesn’t get dehydrated.
Can Dogs Eat Canned Pineapples? Is Canned Pineapple Good or Bad for Dogs?
No, it is recommended that you only feed your dog fresh pineapples.
Canned pineapples are drenched in sugar and do not contain most of the vitamins and nutrients as the fresh fruit does. One such nutrient is the Bromelain enzyme which is either contained in very minimal quantities in canned pineapple, or in some cases, not at all.
So it is pointless to serve your dog canned pineapples since it cannot aid his digestion or help him absorb the right nutrients.
Can Dogs Eat Pineapple Core, Leaves, and Skin? Are they Poisonous to Dogs?
No, dogs cannot eat the skin and leaves of the pineapple.
In fact, it can be detrimental to the digestive system of your pet. The core, however, is good for your dog as it contains the highest amount of Bromelain. The skin and leaves are unfortunately not edible and your dog’s digestive system cannot break it down. This will lead to vomiting and diarrhea as your dog tries to rid his body of the pineapple skin and leaves.
Can Dogs Drink Pineapple Juice? Is Pineapple Juice Bad for Dogs?
Yes, dogs can drink pineapple juice.
It is just as good for your dog as the actual fresh pineapple. It contains all the vitamins and minerals that the pineapple flesh contains.
However, you should note that that pineapple juice does contain a concentration of natural acids that can upset your dog’s stomach. So even if you feed your little fella pineapple juice, be sure to do so in moderation.
Pineapples Can Help Dogs Stop Eating Their Own Poop
Coprophagia is a medical condition that occurs in dogs. This condition is created when dogs do not get enough nutrients from their meals and then end up eating their poop. They do this in an attempt to get their daily intake of nutrients.
Feeding your dog pineapples can help reverse this condition. This is mainly because pineapples aid in decomposition and digestion of food, so that your dog gets as many nutrients as he can from the pineapples. So this takes care of his problem of not getting enough nutrition from his food.
Secondly, the pineapple also changes the smell of the poop, making it undesirable for your dog. If your dog has this condition, feed him one or two pieces of pineapple every day and you should see a change in this condition, soon enough.
Are Dogs Allergic to Pineapples?
Your dog may or may not be allergic to pineapples. You may simply feed your dog one or two pieces of pineapple and then observe his reaction for 24 hours thereafter.
If you do not notice any strange behavior, vomiting or diarrhea, then your dog is probably not allergic to pineapples. In this case, it is safe to continue feeding it to him, in moderation of course.
Can Puppies Eat Pineapples Safely?
Yes, puppies can eat pineapples. However, since they are younger and their digestive systems are not fully developed, you should only feed him just one piece. Thereafter, wait for 24 hours and observe his behavior. If you notice symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea, then you should discontinue feeding him pineapples.
Your puppy could be allergic to pineapples, or alternatively, his digestive system may not be ready for it at this stage. However, if any of these symptoms are non-existent, then it’s safe to keep feeding him pineapples. You also give him a head start in health benefits by introducing him to pineapples while he’s still a young pup.
How to Prepare Pineapples for Dogs?
Pineapples should be served in small bite sized chunks. The skin and leaves must be completely removed as it is considered toxic to pets. The core should not be removed and is, in fact, the best part of the fruit for your fella, since it has the highest concentration of bromelain.
Just ensure that it is also cut up into bite size pieces. To create an extra special frozen treat for your dog in summer, you can freeze the chunks and then feed it to your dog. This also makes a great treat for younger dogs who are teething.
How to Make Your Own Pineapple Dog Treat Recipe?
Pineapple Dog Treat Recipe
If you are struggling to get your dog to eat pineapples, this delicious pineapple and molasses dog treat will get him excited about pineapples.
- 8 ounce crushed pineapple
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1 egg
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1/3 cup molasses
- ¼ cup olive oil
- 1 ½ tsp baking powder
- Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit
- Combine baking powder, baking soda, and flour in a large bowl
- Combine olive oil, molasses, crushed pineapple and vanilla in a separate bowl and stir thoroughly
- Combine the wet and dry ingredients and mix with a spoon
- Use the same spoon to create drops of dough on a baking tray
- Bake in the oven for approximately 20 minutes or until edges are golden brown
- Wait for it to cool down before serving
Dogs and Pineapples – The Final Verdict
Dogs love eating pineapples because of its sweet taste. Pineapples are also very good for dogs as it contains a wealth of vitamins and nutrients that help with various conditions such as indigestion and immune system health. Dogs that suffer from Coprophagia will especially benefit from eating pineapples as it can significantly aid in treating this medical issue.
Pineapples should be given to your dog in moderation and only in very small quantities. One or two pieces a day is more than enough for his required daily intake. Anything more than that, results in too much sugar in his system. Subsequently, it gives him an upset tummy and various other unpleasant symptoms.
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